Amazingly Fast But TOUGH Yoga Abs Workout

Amazingly Fast But TOUGH Yoga Abs Workout

  • Post Category:Fitness / Yoga

It was yoga that really taught me how to fully engage my core. Not just the outer abs that give us our six-pack look (called the rectus abdominis) but my inner core too (the transversus abdominis).

Having a strong core is so important for many types of dynamic movement. Running? Need a strong core. Handstand? A strong core is a must. Getting up off a particularly squishy couch? Yep, your core will help you.

How to Engage Your Inner Core

To build a strong core, you first need to learn to engage it. When teaching yoga, I give the cue “pull your belly towards your spine” a lot. This is more than just sucking in your stomach. You want to tighten the lower stomach and picture lifting those muscles upward.

Before you begin the two moves below, just practice engaging your inner core. Sit crossed-legged on the floor, spine tall. Pull your belly backward, like your sucking in your stomach. Then contract your inner stomach like you could lift your core upwards in the body. Imagine there is a hook lifting your inner core upwards.

It takes a while to get the hang of, so don’t worry if it feels weird or you feel like nothing is happening. Keep those cues “belly in towards the spine” and “lifting up” front of mind as you practice.

Okay, now on to the yoga abs moves! Combine these two moves for your core work after a run, yoga session or any other workout. I provide a full workout below too.

Boat Leg Lowers (3 variations)

Variation 1 (Hardest)

Engage the core rather than lowering the leg from the hip flexors. Imagine there’s a string from the top of your head lifting you up. To make it slightly easier, you can place your hands behind you for extra support.

Inhale as you lower the leg down and exhale as you lift it back up. Make each breath long and slow.

Toes can be pointed or flexed for this move. I did pointed here.

Variation 2 (Medium)

Keep your knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Feet should be flexed. Slowly push one foot out in front of you, straightening the leg as you inhale. Exhale to bring the leg back to bend. Alternate between each leg.

Variation 3 (Easiest)

Like variation 2, keep the knees bent but place one foot on the ground. Try to keep the foot’s pressure on the ground as light as possible.

Again, keep that spine nice and tall here. (I could do a little better on this too. My shoulders are a little slumped here!)

Down Dog to High/Low Plank w/ Dips

Start in downward facing dog. Push through all five fingers of each hand to move the chest towards the thighs. Bend the knees if this feels uncomfortable or out of your range of motion. Heels can be on or off the ground.

Shift forward to high plank pose. Keep the shoulders over the hands. Hips should be in line with the spine.

From high plank, lower one forearm down and then the other to find a forearm plank. Dip your hips to one side and then the other. Come back to forearm plank and push back up to high plank. Send your hips up and back, finding a downward facing dog. The entire movement is one rep.

Modification: Drop one or both knees in the high plank to low plank transition.

Complete Yoga Abs Workout

Do the following for a sculpting yoga abs burner! Remember to engage that inner core during each move.

  • Variation 1 – 5 times each leg
  • Variation 2 – 5 times each leg
  • Variation 3 – 5 times each leg
  • Down dog to High Plank/Low Plank w/ Dips – 8 times

Repeat entire workout 3 times. If you can’t do a certain variation, replace it with the ones you can do. For example, if you can only do variation 3, then do variation 3 instead of 1 and 2 (so you’ll end up doing variation 3 15 times leg).

Enjoy! xx