Eight Workouts For When You Have No Equipment and Limited Space

Eight Workouts For When You Have No Equipment and Limited Space

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Whether you’re stuck in a dorm room, tiny studio apartment, or hotel room with limited floor space, all you’ll need for these workouts is enough space to lay down a yoga mat.

(If you don’t travel with a yoga mat, use a towel instead.)

Some of the workouts do include a bit of jumping, but I’ve found that if you fold over your yoga mat once or twice, it provides some sound-proofing (so you don’t upset any downstairs neighbors.)

Grab your yoga mat and get ready to challenge yourself with these no equipment, limited space workouts! They range from 5 to 40 minutes, so you can pick the one that fits in best with your schedule today. 😊

1. 20 Minute Full-Body Workout by MadFit

This workout has a little bit of jumping (jump squats, jumping jacks, lunge jumps) but the moves are easily modified if you don’t prefer jumping.

It’s a great workout if you want to fit in a quick sweat session before your morning shower or coming back home after a long day.

2. 20 Minute Full-Body Workout by Pamela Rf

Another great yoga-mat only workout that covers the entire body. This workout has a little less jumping than MadFit’s workout and more ab/butt sculpting moves. It’s a great low-intensity workout.

3. 30 Minute Tabata Workout by POPSUGAR

Led by Raneir Pollard, this workout is fast, effective and will have you laughing aloud at Pollard’s hilarious commentary.

Heads up for anyone with bad knees: this workout incorporates a lot of jumping. However, Pollard offers modifications for anyone not comfortable with plyometric movement.

4. 30-Minute Quiet Low Impact Workout by FitnessBlender

If you really engage on every move, you’ll feel the burn despite the “low-impact” nature of the exercises in this workout. It has absolutely no jumping – guaranteeing you won’t get complaints from the apartment below you.

5. 30-Minute Yoga-Inspired Arms & Core Workout by Alo Yoga

Led by yogi Josh Kramer, this workout mixes traditional yoga poses with strength moves to give you a tough upper body workout. If you are new to yoga, you might be unfamiliar with some of the movement patterns but trust me: they work up a burn better than any other moves I’ve done in a gym.

This workout is hard, and Josh doesn’t provide a ton of modifications, so I don’t recommend this workout for beginners. However, since it is a video, feel free to give it a shot and hit pause for extra rest.

6. 30-Minute Yoga Flow for Tight Spaces by Yoga with Adriene

Ever try to do one-leg down dog in a tight space and accidentally kick a lamp? No? Just me? Ah, well, I still recommend you try this yoga flow the next time you find yourself in tight corridors.

Adriene modifies a yoga flow that you can do in a twin-sized bed or on the floor – how’s that for versatile? Your room may be small, but you’ll find openness in your hips, joints, and head after this workout.

7. 40-Minute Bodyweight Workout by POPSUGAR Fitness

This workout will probably require all the space your 300 sq. foot studio might contain, but it’s well worth it. Work up a full-body sweat with cardio and bodyweight movements.

I love this workout because it also includes a warm-up and cool-down, which are so important for any exercise regimen.

8. 5-Minute Ab Blast

This workout can be either a workout finisher or your whole workout for the day. (Do twice for even better results!) Led by Nike Master Trainer Kirsty Godso, you can work your entire core without standing up.

Godso walks you through the correct form and engagement on each move, ensuring you engage your core the proper way.